Live benchmarking tool to see the actual performance of read/write operations to Fastly KV Store
Fastly KV Store
Fastly KV store is a type of container that allows you to store data in the form of key-value pairs for use in high performance reads and writes at the edge. See the official documentation to learn more about KV Store.
This tool measures the time taken to perform 100 read operations and 40 write operations to KV Stores located in 4 different regions accessed from Compute services running on respective Fastly POP as shown below;
- Ashburn POP(IAD) to access store in US region
- Frankfurt POP(FRA) to access store in EU region
- Tokyo POP(TYO) to access store in ASIA region
- Sydney POP(SYD) to access store in AUS region
For more details, please refer to the GitHub link below.